A new call has been published with the aim of supporting clusters within the scope of "Competition of Businesses and SMEs" of the Single Market Program, supported by the European Commission. The call was opened within the scope of the 2021-2024 Work Program and is coordinated by EISMEA.

The European Commission aims to continue the positive experience gained in the field of supporting clusters with the establishment of Joint Cluster Initiatives called "Euroclusters". Euroclusters is based on the cooperation of cluster organizations with different institutions. Euroclusters aims to strengthen EU cooperation networks, make European industrial/sectoral ecosystems more resilient to crises, and strengthen the green and digital transformation of enterprises.

In order to support the implementation of the renewed industrial strategy, the European Commission will support the launch of approximately 30 cluster partnership initiatives called "Euroclusters" in an intersectoral, interdisciplinary and trans-European structure. It is planned to contribute to the implementation of the “European New Industrial Strategy” and the “Sustainable and Digital European SME Strategy” with Euroclusters.

The application deadline is November 30, 2021 and you can find detailed information about the call from the link below.

https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/smp-cosme-2021-cluster-01;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes =1,2;statusCodes=31094501,31094502;programmePeriod=2021%20-%202027;programCcm2Id=43252476;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;destination=null;mission=null;geographicalZonesCode=null;programmeDivision=Prospectate=null; null;startDateGte=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;cpvCode=null;performanceOfDelivery=null;sortQuery=sortStatus;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState

In addition, an online event focused on the Euroclusters call will be held between 25 - 26 October 2021 under the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs Program (COSME Programme). In the event, the project application template and project budget template will be examined within the scope of the general scope of the call, application conditions and technical preparations for the call.

For detailed information about the event and the registration link: https://cosme.kosgeb.gov.tr/ortak-kume-girisimleri-euroclusters-cagrisi-egitimi_/