Intellectual property, also known as Copyrights or Intellectual property; literature, art, music, architecture, etc. rights that can be acquired over works such as Industrial Property, with its general definition, on behalf of the first practitioners of inventions, innovations, new designs and original works in industry and agriculture; It is an intangible right that ensures that the signs on the goods produced and sold in the field of commerce are registered in the name of their owners, which will enable them to distinguish the manufacturer or seller, and thus the first implementers have the right to produce and sell the product for a certain period of time. Industrial Property rights include patents, utility models, brands and designs. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights; work, trademark, are the rights that protect the commercial rights of the inventor.
As Atlas TTO, our main goal is to contribute to the transformation of the scientific potential in Atlas University into an economic added value by transferring it to the industry, and to provide sustainable and profitable cooperation between the academicians and industrialists at the university by directing the companies in the region to R&D and innovation studies.
For this purpose;
¬ Providing project consultancy services (project writing, executing, reporting) to Atlas University Academics and businesses in the industry,
¬ Developing projects by making use of national and international grants and support programs for R&D/P&D based studies of industrial organizations,
¬ Presenting, applying and finally commercializing the scientific studies of Atlas University Academics to the service of the needed sectors,
¬ Directing the requests from industrial organizations to the relevant academician with expertise in the subject at the university, providing project and production consultancy services,
¬ Construction of university-industry meeting areas,
¬ To create an industry need analysis report in the light of the information obtained during regular industrialist visits to identify the problems of industrial establishments,
¬ Providing services such as contract management, legal consultancy, follow-up of financial issues in projects that have reached the stage of cooperation, etc. events are being executed.