Atlas TTO, University - Industry Cooperation Unit manages the design and design of the projects at the idea stage or existing R&D studies by ensuring that they are integrated into the sector accurately and quickly.
It provides services in the fields of contract management, legal consultancy, follow-up of financial issues, management of administrative processes, meeting of academicians and industrialists by organizing sectoral organizations, determining university and industry needs for the most efficient use of university opportunities.
Atlas TTO continues to carry out its activities rapidly by institutionalizing the UIL process. In this context, within Atlas TTO for the purpose and service signed for different subjects and projects. “Atlas TTO Project Confidentiality Agreement”, “Atlas TTO – Service Procurement and Consultancy Agreement”, “Atlas TTO-USİ Preliminary Protocol Agreement” and “Atlas TTO-USİ” Mentoring Agreement " 4 different contracts have been put into service to be used.
These existing agreements are explained in detail according to their usage areas. Information document, agreements and roadmap regarding the cooperation processes are also explained in the Work Flow Chart.
¬ Atlas-USİ Pre-Protocol Agreement: It is the contract signed to define the university-industry cooperation to be made with the assignment of the academician who will take part in the project before the company applies to the funding institutions.
¬ Atlas TTO-Service Procurement and Consultancy Agreement: It is the final contract signed between the companies and the University in R&D or general consultancy services for the services to be provided by the studies of the academicians.
¬ Atlas TTO-USI Mentoring Contract: It is a goodwill agreement signed between the business and the university in order to identify possible areas of cooperation and ensure interaction.
¬ Privacy Policy: It is the contract prepared for the protection of information that may arise during the studies to be carried out and signed by the addressees.
Face to Face Meetings with Industrial Organizations
Identification of Industry Problems That Will Be Basic to Academic Studies
Testing and Evaluation of R&D Innovation Capacity of Companies
Contract Management, Follow-up Administrative and Technical Consultancy
Versatile Interviews with Project Partnerships
Sector Based Firm – Academician Matching
Investigation of Collaboration Opportunities to be Provided with Roof Organizations
Continuous Coordination with the Project Supports Unit
Introduction of University Opportunities and Capabilities
Establishment of Multidisciplinary Working Groups
Business and Strategy Development Studies Atlas TTO Service Package (We turn our services into a package program by determining FSMH Workshop, Project Writing Workshop, Prototype Workshop, etc. according to the needs of industrial organizations.)
Project Process Consultancy for R&D, Technology Centers and Design Centers
Ar-Ge ,Teknoloji Merkezleri ve Tasarım Merkezleri için Proje Süreçleri Danışmanlığı